
埃素灯光设计是专职照明设计顾问公司,缩写: icee ,

新利188 ,热衷于照明设计事业,专职探索研究空间光环境,创作符合空间特质且深具情感交流的作品,发展智慧、健康照明生态。

新利188 ,将光、影戏剧化、个性化、情感化、责任化;传递光与人、光与环境、光与自然的和谐统一;研究色彩、材质、结构形态、光的属性、照明器具、智能交互、可持续系统。

新利188 ,致力于酒店照明设计、办公照明设计、餐饮照明设计、营销中心、商业灯光设计、文旅夜景项目,倡导健康、和谐光环境。

新利188 ,希望通过对光的认识与研究凝聚人才、激发情感,与各专业各领域开创全面共赢局面。

ICEE is a full-time design consultancy specializing in the design of lighting environments.
ICEE lighting design, the light, shadow dramatic, personalized, emotional, responsible; pass light and people, light and environment, light and nature of the harmony and unity; research color, material, structure, light properties, lighting Appliances, smart interactions, sustainable systems and more. Dedicated to the hotel lighting design, commercial lighting design, tourism night project, advocating a healthy and harmonious light environment.
ICEE lighting design hopes to gather talents through the understanding and research of light, to stimulate emotions and create a win-win situation of all-round cooperation and cooperation with various fields of various professions.